4 Self-Marketing Strategies That Deliver the Knockout Blow to Prospecting or Cold Calling

For some strange reason that I don’t understand, there are many people who want to fight and resist the implementation of systems to generate business. Advocates of cold calling and prehistoric prospecting techniques do so because they are afraid of change or do not grow mentally.

If I want to travel from Colón to Toledo, the options I have to get there are walking, biking or riding in a vehicle. All of these methods of transportation will work, but it’s ridiculous to argue that walking 200+ miles is better than riding a bike or riding in a vehicle for all the obvious reasons.

Prospecting and cold calling methods are “effective”, but at what cost? Someone argued that it is vital for your business to hit the pavement or make cold calls to be successful no matter what the technology has to offer.

That’s like saying that no matter how fast a car travels or how efficient it is, you still need to walk part, if not most, of the way to Toledo. I’m laughing right now just thinking about that nonsense.

Here are 4 self-marketing strategies to consider that generate targeted leads almost effortlessly:

EZINES/ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS: I submitted just 10 articles to a popular ezine website and these were the results – Article Views: 259; Conversions: 22; Time investment: 30 minutes. As a prospector/cold caller, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get 259 people to listen to you on the phone OR in person in 30 minutes, let alone have 22 of them seriously interested. Also, I didn’t have to put up with any kind of problems or sadistic behavior because I called or arrived at the wrong time. I did not endure any resistance to the sale or rejection. Finally, this is a RESIDUAL strategy that keeps attracting interested prospects month after month without my involvement. Oh yeah, I almost forgot: it’s free.

VIDEO MARKETING: Here are some stats from my YouTube.com channel – Videos uploaded: 43; Video Views: 1,703; Subscribers: 92; Investment time: 3-5 hours (one time). The ONLY people who see my videos are those INTERESTED in my content. 92 subscribers say these people have CHOSEN to receive my latest content on a regular basis. Just like writing articles, no sales resistance, no rejection. This is also a RESIDUAL strategy that continues to attract potential clients month after month with a UNIQUE EFFORT. Did I mention this is free?

BLOGGING: A good friend of mine named Tracey has a blog that gets 9000 visitors per month and she is an absolute nobody. She had acquired almost 300 clients with this strategy alone! No one ever visits who isn’t interested; no one is ever called who is not interested. There is no rejection, no waste of time, effort or money here. Not a penny spent on this strategy and it is also a RESIDUAL marketing strategy. Accept to upload new content, this is self-managed.

WEBINARS/TELESEMINARS: Last Tuesday, I implemented another webinar strategy in my fold that I host once a week for 30 minutes. These are the results so far: webinar attendees: 43; Conversions: 4. So I’m hovering around 10% conversion in a total of 1 hour of effort so far (have had 2 webinars). The funny thing is that only those interested appear! My financial investment? -0- dollars, -0- cents. No cold calling or prospecting for attendees.

This is just a sample of what is possible when promoted correctly.

I know old habits are hard to die, but seriously, stop “walking” all over the place to get to your “destination”. Hop in the vehicle known as self-marketing and remove your walking shoes.

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