Are you a FORMIDABLE leader?

When we look for the definition of the word, GREAT, We note that she is often defined as someone who inspires fear or respect because of her size, strengths, or abilities. Although quality leaders must avoid the fear component, it is important that a leader be respected, not only for the position he occupies, but for earning that respect, for his actions, skills, knowledge, judgment, experience, empathy, etc. . Few people are strong in all areas or components, but someone who leads wisely uses their strengths to their best advantage, while addressing any areas of weakness, etc. Earning this respect is very important, because it is one of the essential tools, to get others to listen and pay attention and, hopefully, buy on, your approach, strategy and plan.

1. Functions: Do they understand and appreciate office functions and how to use them effectively to be more effective and efficient? Simply worrying or having the right ideas is rarely enough, because unless you get things done, you have accomplished little!

two. Organize; options; opportunities: When you learn to be an effective organizer and are organized so that you can operate smoothly, you can better review options and opportunities thoroughly and be ready, willing, and able to take advantage of opportunities.

3. Relevant; trustworthy; reasonable: While each of these are individually important, only when one proceeds, in a relevant, reliable and reasonable way, can you maximize your efforts – in the best possible direction!

Four. Mature; keep: Effective leaders behave like mature adults. They make their decisions based on what is best, rather than simply overreacting to others or a specific condition. A formidable leader remains in control of situations that others lose control of!

5. Ideas; integrity; ideology: Are you an idea-based leader, one who simply blames, complains, and resorts to empty rhetoric? While the latest course of action may get immediate response, and even popularity, in the long run, just by maintaining integrity, stating the reasons behind your ideology, and letting ideas be the primary focus, will you maintain respect? of those you serve!

6. Dig deep; deliver: The difference between being mediocre and quite formidable is often the ability and willingness to dig deep, rather than just touching the surface. However, unless this is followed, getting results and leading others in the best way, you will find that it takes much less time to lose respect than to earn it.

7. Attitude; attention: You need a positive, positive attitude, combined with paying attention to needs, concerns, and priorities, if you want to be an effective leader.

8. Profits; to bring it: Will others see the benefits of your strategies and plans? Will you be passive or will you bring it on?

9. Learn; hear: How well will you learn from your training, as well as from your experiences? Will you focus more on listening than on hearing your own voice?

10: Evolutionary; efficient; effective: While some focus on making big, immediate changes, and sometimes these are necessary and required, in the vast majority of cases, evolutionary changes have the best chance of succeeding and making a sustainable difference. Proceed efficiently, effectively, and show how awesome you claim to be!

Many hold leadership positions, but very few make it to GREAT leaders! Do you have what it takes to become one?

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