Astrological horoscope: how it all began

Every time I pick up the morning paper, I just glance at the headlines and start looking for the page where the astrological horoscope is. A friend of mine also, when she sees me reading the newspaper, asks me for her horoscope. Horoscopes usually mention your luck, your love life or the fortune of the day. It also includes your mood and sometimes your lucky number or what not to do during the day to avoid problems or bad luck. That is why many people check their personal horoscopes every day to know what their future is for the day or for the whole week. Horoscopes are often published in newspapers, magazines and books. But what are horoscopes really and when did they start? Who started it? Well, let’s try to know the history of horoscopes.

Let’s try to know the history of the astrological horoscope. The ancient Greeks used horoscopes and astrology to predict and predetermine a person’s life by the position of the moon, sun, and stars. Astrology is the Greek name meaning “science of the stars.” They believed that the life of the person and the future events that could happen to him would depend on the position of the suns or planets. Also, farmers used to rely on the positions of the constellations. During that time, sowers used star signs to effectively determine when to plant and when to harvest their crops.

During that time, there was no formal education to give reliable information. People looked up to the stars in the sky to find the answers to some constant questions about their continued existence. Actually, we still do it today when we are faced with problems and cannot find solutions. Some believers go to astrologers to find out their solutions to the problem or many businessmen ask them about their future in business. It was the Chinese who began the study and use of astrology for agriculture and to decide the best seasons and months for the different planting cycles.

In the year 500 BC, Plato, the philosopher, became interested and studied more about astrology and even used it. Due to Plato’s study of astrology, interest in astrology was kept alive. His work was continued by Galileo Galilei, who was the first person to use the telescope. So the Christians had a powerful voice that the practice of astrology had quietly hidden. To avoid the wrath of the Church and make it more acceptable in 1600 an astrologer William Lilly renamed astrology “Christian Astrology”. Clancy published his own magazine called “American Astrology”. It was instrumental in popularizing astrological horoscopes as we know them today.

Apart from the Greek, the Chinese also had their own horoscope method, but they used different methods, if Greece used the constellation, the Chinese used signs of animals that are the rats, the ox, the tiger, the fish, the dragon, the dogs , the rabbit and others. The use of animals will depend on your date of birth data. A horoscope is a chart or diagram of the signs of the zodiac that represents the aspects of the stars and planets at a given time and forecasts the future not of the individual, but also of a geographical region or even the world.

Throughout history, astrological horoscopes have been used to determine if there will be upcoming wars. Miss Nancy Reagan hired an astrologer to protect President Reagan as there was an assassination attempt on him. The astrologer determined the right times to sign important documents, the right time to visit places, the right time to hold conferences and meetings. Well, in fact, we can say that they were accurate predictions from the time President Reagan was alive until he finished his two terms as US President. Astrological horoscopes are fun, interesting, and they can certainly be accurate.

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