Canine Natural Remedies for Anxiety

It is quite common for dogs to suffer from separation anxiety. Dogs affected by this stress disorder panic when they think they have been left alone. This fear causes anxiety that can lead to undesirable behaviors like chewing, scratching, howling, and bathroom accidents in the house.

When we adopt a dog from a shelter, as my family and I do when looking for a pet, some dogs may harbor baggage from an abusive past. It is impossible to know how a dog has been treated. Mistreatment, even cruelty, can lead to anxiety and stress in a dog. The best way to deal with these disorders is by teaching behavior modification techniques.

Sometimes local shelters will offer obedience training lessons. There are also experienced trainers available that you can find online or through a recommendation. The right professional can help you build the bond between your man and his best friend by teaching you and your dog techniques designed to deal with bad behaviors.

However, while you are in the middle of training and things are not at the level of calm that is the ultimate goal, there are some natural remedies for canine anxiety that can be of great help to make the situation more bearable.

These natural anxiety remedies can help fill the void while you undergo behavior modification training with your dog.

Bach Flower Essences: Extracted from Bach Flower Essences, these oils work naturally to help reduce stress. You can find the essence in the form of a cream or oral supplement. If you are having difficulty giving your dog an oral supplement, the cream version may be more convenient.

Pheromones: this hormone, which induces attraction in humans, is released by the mother when the dog is born. Relaxes dogs and induces calm. A plug-in diffuser is available that was developed by veterinarians especially for dogs. It is simple to use. The plugin diffuses pheromones associated with territorial and primal instincts. These are pheromones that are very familiar to dogs. As a natural remedy for anxiety they are quite effective.

Homeopathic formulas: Formulas are available at pet food and health food stores. There are many options to choose from. Some are more effective than others. Always make sure that what you are buying is pure and natural and does not contain any substances that could be harmful to your dog. Read all product labels carefully. You may be able to get recommendations for over-the-counter homeopathic remedies from your behavior modification coach.

German Chamomile Essence – You can make this combination of herbs at home. It is an effective natural herbal sedative for your canine friend. The herbs needed to make this formula are easily found in health food stores.

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon German chamomile, 1 teaspoon catnip, 1 teaspoon skullcap, 2 tablespoons honey, ½ cup water

Heat the water over low heat. Remove the water from the stove and add the herbs to the pot. Cover the pot and let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes. Once they have soaked, strain the herbs by squeezing out the juice before discarding. Stir in honey until dissolved. Let the formula cool, then move it to an airtight container for storage.

This formula will keep for about two weeks when refrigerated. Discard without refrigeration after one day. Let your dog lick the formula off a spoon. Offer 2-3 tablespoons. Usually the taste of honey will appeal to the dog. However, if you don’t take the formula, use a syringe and administer into the back of the dog’s throat.

Signs of relaxation should be visible within 30 minutes. Use it as needed.

Many dogs have been abandoned due to separation anxiety issues and the destructive behaviors they exhibit as a result. Sometimes well-intentioned dog owners just don’t know how to handle the situation and, due to lack of knowledge, give up on their dogs. This should be a last resort.

Help is available and should be considered. Behavior modification and natural anxiety remedies can give you the help you need to make the situation work for everyone involved. It is an inherent quality of dogs to want to please and obey you. Sometimes he just needs you to understand him to get there. Building that relationship and bond between man and dog can sometimes be a challenge. But once he’s there, your dog will be a loyal and loving member of his family.

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