Charcoal BBQ: Top Tips for the Perfect Outdoor Dining Experience

With spring in full swing, those hot summer nights are just around the corner and with them comes the chance to dine al fresco courtesy of your trusted barbecue. What better way to entertain guests and feed the family while watching the sun go down? Here are some of the best tips for getting the most out of your barbecue this season.

First and foremost is the type of fuel you choose. If you are using a traditional barbecue, there are two main options available. Lumpwood is wood that has been pre-treated by rapidly firing in a kiln. Charcoal briquettes are often still made using a slow traditional process of burning wood in an oxygen-free environment for several days. Both types produce a fuel that burns at the high temperatures your barbecue needs. Look for fuels that have been produced from sustainably managed forests.

Now that you have your fuel and it’s on, the waiting game begins. This is where you need to exercise a good degree of patience if you want to get good results. You must allow the charcoal to reach its full temperature before you begin cooking. Keep the vents open to allow enough oxygen to flow to the fuel. You can tell if the charcoal has reached its optimum heat output because it will have a layer of light gray ash.

While you’re waiting for the barbecue to reach its perfect temperature, pull out the long-handled grill brush. This is the perfect time to clean your barbecue. It’s much easier to do while the dish is hot. Crumpled aluminum foil can be used to rub down the rack. This will actually sterilize it for you.

Now that you’re ready to cook, it’s time to add that special touch. The flavor of the food you cook can be greatly improved by adding some woody herbs to the coals just before putting the food on. Rosemary sprigs are perfect for adding flavor, but try experimenting with other plants in your herb garden like thyme and sage.

Marinades are a common addition to barbecue, but if these sauces contain sugar, they will burn quickly. To avoid this, be sure to only brush them in the last 10 minutes of cooking.

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