Greenhouse cleaning: use of ecological cleaning products

With allergies in children and cancer in adults on the rise, many people are concerned about the chemicals they use in their homes and gardens. There are effective alternatives to clean your home using green cleaning products. These green cleaning tips will save you money and help save the environment. Best of all, you probably already have these supplies in your cupboard, so you can start cleaning up the environment right away! Some of the best natural cleaning products are baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, and water.

Lemon juice:Get rid of stains on your kitchen counter by applying lemon juice and letting it sit for a few minutes. Then just scrub the area with baking soda and wipe clean with a damp cloth. In your bathroom, clean the glass shower enclosure by applying pure lemon juice to the glass. Just spray it with warm water and wipe it clean with a clean cloth.

Vinegar:Use vinegar to kill weeds that appear between the interlocking bricks in the driveway. It is best to spray the vinegar on the weeds after a few days of hot, dry weather, when the weeds will actually absorb the liquid. Diluted vinegar also makes a good ceramic tile floor cleaner: it leaves a nice shine and won’t dull the finish. Vinegar is also a natural fabric softener. Add half a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle for soft, static-free clothes.

Sodium bicarbonate:Use baking soda to control odors in the home. Place an open box in the refrigerator to control food odors. Keep a box in the locker or closet where you store shoes and sports equipment. Sprinkle some baking powder in the trash can or cat litter box before inserting the liner. Baking soda is also a natural stain remover for fabrics. Simply apply a mixture of 6 tablespoons of baking powder with a half cup of warm water to the stains before washing.

For an all-purpose cleaning spray, combine baking soda with white vinegar, water, and a few drops of antibacterial tea tree oil. Wash empty spray bottles and reuse them with this natural cleaner.

steam cleaners they’re a great alternative now that they make ones for the home that cost around $100. Some brands are Haan FS20-Plus 800-Watt Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer, H2O, and Shark, which come with washable and reusable cleaning pads. You can use the cleaners on tiles, marble, wood, etc. You’ll be amazed at how clean your floors will get using just water (turned into steam). I have a Haan steam cleaner and I love it. I have not needed any cleaning solution for my floors for over 8 months! Steam cleaning floor disinfectant.

Instead of chemical sprays to make your house and bathrooms smell like flowers, why not put some fresh flowers or potpourri in a decorative container? The potpourri lasts a long time and can be placed in decorative bowls in bathrooms, hallways, bedrooms, etc. You can also make little bags out of mesh bags and put them in your drawers to keep your clothes smelling good.

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