How to apply the law of attraction to highly sensitive people

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction says that what is similar to itself is attracted. In other words, the thoughts you have, if you think about them long enough, will attract other vibratory thoughts as well. Those who talk about being bankrupt are always bankrupt and those who talk about prosperity have more prosperity. Even feeling and talking about the “lack” of something you want will attract more lack. If you want a partner but focus your attention on feeling lonely, you will attract more feelings of loneliness. The saying, misery loves company is the Law of Attraction in action. The point is, until you can think and talk about other topics, you will continue to experience the same things.

To attract what you seek, you must come from a place of non-resistance. It is easier to have consistent good thoughts in the absence of resistance. Resistance is any feeling of doubt, fear, worry, anger, resentment, jealousy, or any negative feelings you have towards any issue in your life, be it unresolved problems, bad relationships, bad childhood, or internal conflicts. It has served its purpose, which is to know what I do not want so that you give birth what you yes I want. Do you want stories or do you want results? If you want results, stop telling the same stories to validate your current situation. The more you keep telling yourself or others “what is”, the more you attract the “what is”.

About PAS

First of all, being very sensitive is a trait and not a choice. Medical studies have shown that the brain of an hsp fires different neural pathways in response to the same stimuli compared to a non-hsp. There is no magic pill that an hsp can take to biologically alter the trait. For those who are thinking of applying the Law of Attraction in hopes of gradually eliminating their sensitivity, they will punish themselves even before they are successful. It’s like wanting to have green eyes when you clearly have brown eyes. How you can prosper is by applying the Law of Attraction to bring out the best in you as a highly sensitive person.

How a PAS can apply the Law of Attraction

If you keep saying to yourself or others, “I am too sensitive to do that” or “My sensitivity limits me to doing just this,” then you are right, you are too sensitive to handle more. When you avoid people, situations, or things that you fear may overwhelm your sensitivity, then by the law of attraction, those same challenges will intensify. Your inner world that encompasses your mind, body, and soul becomes more fragile and then reflects your outer world. For example, your body cannot handle certain foods that it previously could, or you develop autoimmune disorders, indigestion, ulcers, low energy, or experience mood swings and anxiety; symptoms continue. By focusing your energy on challenges, they become more challenging! Instead, have good thoughts that you are very compassionate, empathetic, intuitive, intelligent, artistic, creative, spiritual, etc., and the universe will give you those magnificent life experiences associated with those qualities. Through the law of attraction, your thoughts and feelings become your reality. And only then can people begin to see and appreciate the best of you as a highly sensitive person.


You are a very sensitive being who is capable of much more if you choose to embrace the trait and expand beyond. Your center of attraction is always the way you feel at any time. The past is history, the future is yet to come, but how you feel now paves the way to your future. So the power is in the present and now it’s time to start honoring your sensitivity so that you can thrive in this world, one good thought at a time.

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