MLM Attraction Marketing – The 3 Cardinals "rookie mistakes" To avoid

There is no doubt that the fastest way to build a network marketing organization is to understand exactly what MLM attraction marketing is. In this article, you’ll learn the three cardinal “newbie mistakes” people make when trying to integrate MLM inbound marketing into their system.

MLM inbound marketing is nothing more than the core concept of how to get prospects to constantly search for you instead of you pounding the pavement and twisting people’s arms to sign up for your business.

Think about this concept for a minute…

Every day around the world, tens of millions of people walk into Walmart stores and happily hand over their Visa and MasterCard cards. You will never see Walmart pestering people and begging them to get out their Visa cards. This is because Walmart uses attraction marketing principles in its business.

The only difference between that business and yours is that your business has a residual income component. However, at the end of the day, both businesses have one key thing in common: if either of you doesn’t sell products, you’ll go out of business.

So here’s what needs to happen (and here are the three cardinal “newbie mistakes” to avoid) if you’re looking to incorporate MLM inbound marketing into your system.

MLM Attraction Marketing “Rookie Mistake” #1 – Using Company Website and Materials: Your entire marketing funnel should revolve around positioning YOU as the number one authority, so you should never send people to company websites or use company materials to market. All of those things are geared toward your company’s branding and positioning, not you, and do nothing for you as a distributor.

MLM Attraction Marketing “Rookie Mistake” #2 – Not Focusing on YOU: As an extension of #1, you should always think in terms of how you create a data capture page and follow-up emails that talk about YOU, what benefits and information YOU offer, and what answers YOU can provide. It doesn’t mean anything about your company and your opportunity.

MLM Attraction Marketing “Newbie Mistake” #3 – Misuse of Social Media: When using social media, you want to ask yourself how you can incorporate social media platforms into your business that ATTRACTS people to you (not your company). You want to use social media so that people are looking to you for your expertise in solving a problem they are having.

There is no doubt that MLM inbound marketing is the fastest and most effective way to get to the top of the food chain, but it must be done correctly. It’s much easier to build a business when you have prospects coming after you and looking for a solution to a problem they have. That way, you don’t have to pound the pavement and convince others why they need to be involved in your solution (especially when you don’t even know if they have a problem your product can solve).

For a complete step-by-step roadmap on how to use MLM Attraction Marketing to explode your business, get my FREE REPORT titled: “How To Create YOUR First 6 Figure Month In Network Marketing” by clicking the link above.

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