Networking Tips – Remember Names

In the growing world of networking, it’s important to hone your skills for better communication and relationship building. Having a good 30-second pitch, asking good networking questions, and a good follow-up plan are key. Along with these networking essentials, networking experts can also improve your likeability quotient by remembering names. There are several advantages to remembering a person’s name or the name of your business and company. It is a subtle sign of respect and courtesy. It also shows that you are paying attention and have some kind of interest. Remembering names can also get you recognized and noticed.

Networkers should make a personal effort to develop their memory skills by building relationships. Listed below are ways that people can benefit from remembering names.

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Knowing someone’s name and their line of work can earn you a lot of credit. You can enhance your professional image and create a great first impression. People may find you more informed in your career or industry. They are more likely to listen and pay attention to what you are saying and even offer to meet up after a networking event or function.

Credibility goes a long way in networking. It is a platform for doing business and connecting on social levels. It fosters an environment of trust and loyalty that makes long-term commitments possible. These types of benefits can grow your networks exponentially.

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Remembering someone’s name or company name makes introductions easier. There is a stronger level of trust and affirmation in connecting with others. This can put you in a desirable position to receive leads or referrals to achieve your networking goals and objectives. You can also encourage others to introduce you to their colleagues and network.


In addition to breaking the ice and discomfort associated with meeting new people, it creates a good mood in others. You can create a relaxed and comfortable environment to exchange interesting conversations and dialogues. People are also more likely to follow through when you’re likable. Remembering a person’s name shows that you are kind, considerate, and using your soft skills to establish a bond or connection.

This simple networking tip can yield many rewards. Taking the time and having a purpose in remembering names can improve the quality of your relationships. Whether you’re networking for business or social issues, it’s definitely a good skill to have for success.

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