5 ways you can make money with solar energy

It seems these days you can’t turn on the television or read a newspaper of any kind without hearing mention of green energy or “going green.” While everyone has argued why solar power is great for the environment, they are overlooking the also very important aspect of making money from this natural power generator. Here are 5 ways you can make money with solar energy.

Utility Expenses – This is one of your most expensive bills and possibly THE most expensive bill. On average, homeowners in the United States spend $200 a month just to power their homes. That’s almost $2500 a year spent just to power their homes, whereas if they were going solar they could generate their own homes for free.

Extra Energy – That last one was pretty obvious, but did you know that for every bit of natural energy you create but don’t use or consume in any given month, you can sell it to the power company for a substantial profit? The power company is funded by the government to do just that or pay you for your easily earned solar power. Imagine EARNING an additional $2,500 on top of the $2,500 you’re already saving by living “off the grid”. Many homeowners continue to build multiple solar cells to exponentially increase their energy production and generate a neat second additional ongoing income without requiring any additional effort on their part.

Tax Breaks – The Obama administration is very passionate and serious about natural energy solutions. Even before the Obamas, the government rewarded those who lived off the grid in the form of tax breaks because these Americans are reducing the biggest energy crisis. But now, with our new president, we can expect more bonuses and incentives to be available to those who embrace natural energy right now.

Your own business: I’ve mentioned solar energy enough. Truth be told, it’s not cheap to build or implement this technology, with costs reaching well over $3000 to have them professionally built and installed. These days, however, a number of DIY guides have popped up detailing exactly how to build your own fully functional cells on a budget using materials you probably have lying around your home. Considering these cost thousands of dollars for professional work, that’s proof that other homeowners are willing to pay big bucks for such technology, and you can build it and sell it to them for a huge markup as many people are beginning to do. This is becoming a new field in itself.

Home Value – One last point to make is that having solar on your home dramatically increases the value of your home, ask any real estate agent. This is again because other homeowners and homebuyers are interested in the exact same things you are when buying a home, like a home that feeds itself to save and earn money without requiring any effort from you. part.

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