Brutal Cleaning Tips vs. Basic Cleaning Help Information

First of all, you and I know that Clutter Must GO! I know you are tired of looking around your house and seeing things everywhere. He didn’t just walk in the door and lie down. You put it in there and now you need to get it out!

To get rid of the clutter, I’m not going to tell you what to do, because I don’t know what to do. I just know what you shouldn’t do. So stay tuned and pay attention as you read through my challenging list of what not to do.

Do not bring another item into your home unless you remove at least four items on your way out.

Don’t leave your trash or dishes lying around after you eat. When you get up, pick up that mess and throw it away, or if it’s dishes, wash it and put it away.

Don’t leave junk mail lying on your porch or just inside your driveway. Put it in a nearby trash can or mail it to the company that sent it.

Don’t put magazines or newspapers in a pile and insist that you read it later when you have time. You will never have time. Eventually, you will see a stack or stacks of magazines and newspapers stacked well above knee height. Stop subscribing to companies. The money you save can be used for a cleaning service that will clean your home at least once a month.

Don’t keep making excuses when someone wants to visit your house. Be honest and tell them that your house is messy and that you prefer not to have anyone inside. Once you recognize the mess and stop walking past it (as if you or the mess were invisible), the sooner you can take charge and start the cleaning process.

Don’t try to clean everything in one day. There are too many things out there. You will feel overwhelmed and defeated. You will end up doing nothing at all. Removing a little clutter here and a little clutter there will make a difference everywhere.

Don’t move things from one side of the room to the other side of the room OR from one room to another thinking you’re making progress. That’s random clutter, you want to remove clutter. Get those things out of the house and throw them in the trash or donate them to someone who can use them.

Don’t get angry when other people make comments about your living conditions. If it looks and possibly smells like a local dump, what are you waiting for? People who didn’t care about you before will care even less now. Then of course they will make sarcastic comments. Either you smile and bear it or you start tidying up. Take charge of your situation. If you need help, ask for it. If someone offers to help you, let them!

Do not be upset by the content of this article. Clutter can be on a small or large scale. If this applies to you, start the cleanup process now. If it doesn’t apply to you, please forward this article to someone who will benefit from it. Like the person who complains about not having enough time to clean because he has too many other things in his life. Or the person who has the blinders on and has eaten to ignore the mess. Or send this to a simple person who just needs simple ideas on how to reduce clutter on a daily basis.

This article is not intended to offend anyone. Clutter is not nice. I know this because I lived with the clutter for a long time and the simple techniques I instilled in my mind about what not to do have allowed me to clear it in a slow and methodical way. Eventually, I became clutter free and have been able to keep my environment clutter free. I feel free, I am happy and I love my home. Keep your home organized and clutter free.

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