Children’s growing attachment to smartphones

Today’s young generation has changed the use of mobile phones. It has become more of a toy for them that they can use at any time, explore, contact and send messages to their friends without knowing its pros and cons.

Living in the 21st century of iPads and iPhones and new technologies, we must be aware of what our children see on smartphones, as excessive use of mobile phones is harmful to them due to high radiation. We must also restrict the use of mobile phones by children by giving them the time limit for each activity they can perform daily, with this they will learn the importance of time and discipline.

We are all aware of the consequences of the game ‘Blue Whale’ invented by a Russian lady named Ilya Sidorov. Around 130 kids all over the world (5 kids in India) committed suicide after playing this game, because they didn’t realize when they got into their mind and managed to reach the highest level. All day their mind is on the game only, how to be on top and they are not aware of the surroundings.

We must always be aware of our children -what they see on the mobile- to warn them of any danger and teach them life lessons and help them differentiate between what is real and what is false.

Children are the future of our nation, so we must be protective and careful with them so they don’t get hurt or spoiled. All the new technologies are introduced to simplify our life, but otherwise they are creating problems in our life by their high radiation. So it is important to know its use but in a way that does not harm our mind and body.

There is no doubt that new apps have made learning simple and easy and we are thankful for upgrading technology, if we are aware of the pros and cons and how to use them then we will do more good than any harm. In this fast moving world, we want everything to be quick and ready.

In India, schools are also introducing new learning methods through tabs, so that a child does not have to carry a heavy backpack and can adapt to new technology. It is a good step taken by the schools. If they are given the right education, no one will be able to stop them from becoming the champions of tomorrow.

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