How do I know if my ex is still in love with me?

What are the signs that an ex boyfriend or girlfriend still has feelings for you?

Are they hidden? Easy to spot? And if you see these signs, what should you do about it? How can you use them to get your ex back?

Knowing how your ex feels after the breakup isn’t always easy. Most likely he has lost contact; something or all. This just makes it hard to read someone.

On top of that, your ex boyfriend or girlfriend will no longer openly tell you how they feel. His true emotions will be kept. Secret. Only for them.

Pursue them too much and your ex will cut you out of their lives completely. Keep pushing when your advances are unwelcome and they will never tell you anything.

Sure, you could eventually get your ex to talk. But by then it might be too late. Your boyfriend or girlfriend may have moved on by then, or he may not be interested in you at all.

Worse yet, your ex could be dating someone else.

For these reasons, you need to know the full list of signs that your ex might want you back. But let’s take a few moments to go through the short list and talk about the most obvious ones first:

Your ex still texts you after the breakup

This happens when your boyfriend or girlfriend is still not absolutely sure about their decision. Rather than risk losing you forever, they keep some lines of communication open…even if that communication is extremely limited.

The bad news here is that your ex is in complete control. THEY decide when to call you. THEY decide when to answer your text messages. And how much more do you try to communicate? The more distant they become. Essentially, they’re giving you just enough contact to keep you chained.

This is also disguised as “we’re still friends”. If your ex offered you that dangling carrot, then you really are in trouble.

But the good news? The lines of communication are still open. Your ex isn’t completely ignoring you, which could mean a lot of really bad things. If that was the case, your ex might be interested in someone else. Or he or she might already be seeing someone new.

The fact that they keep talking to you is good, but it’s also bad. Talk to them too much and you will never give your ex a chance to miss you. This is a 100% essential part of the reconciliation process (and no, you can’t skip it).

Your ex makes it too obvious that he’s not dating anyone else.

Has your ex made an effort to be visible to you? Has he been intentionally single and he wants you to know?

If so, that’s a good sign that they may want you back. Many ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends who break plans to do it only temporarily. In that case, your ex will absolutely make sure you KNOW she’s not dating anyone else… so YOU ​​don’t date anyone. In short, they’re hedging her bets. Be totally transparent, for the sake of their own interests.

You get drunk and your ex calls you, or they call you when their guard is down

A breakup is like a castle wall: you have to break through it before you can win the prize of reconciliation. So while you’re trying to win back that person you still love so much? He is always careful to look for weaknesses in their defenses.

In this case, the chink in your ex’s armor will be calling or texting you late at night, when he’s lonely and most likely to think about you. Loneliness leads to nostalgia. Nostalgia leads to fond memories of being in your arms again.

Drinking also lowers your ex’s inhibitions by a factor of 10 or more. What won’t they say while sober, but might still be thinking? Those kinds of things will come to light when your ex is drunk, alone, and, yes, thinking about you again.

Dialing drunk or calling to talk while you’re tired and weak are good signs that there’s still interest. Your ex may not be ready for a full-fledged romance again, but getting back together is just around the corner if you know how to play your cards right when it comes to this type of contact.

Other signs that your ex still loves you

When it comes to knowing how someone really feels about you, the best things to look at require contact. How is his voice when he talks to you? Are they anxious or disappointed? And if you see your ex (because you work or go to school with him), what kind of body language do you read? Is your ex stiff and cold towards you now, totally indifferent, or is he showing signs of warmth or really flirting with you again?

What if you have no contact with your ex? So how are you supposed to know how they still feel about you? In that case, you will need ways to get your ex to contact YOU. Some of these are simple and can be done without your ex really suspecting her true motives for getting them back.

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