Is Candida turning your body into a biohazard greenhouse?

Candida is taking over our once healthy bodies, running rampant through our bloodstreams, wreaking havoc on our tissues, organs and systems and leaving us with a nasty mix of unpleasant symptoms and an unhappy state of poor health. Common symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, athlete’s foot, sinusitis, joint pain, bloating, fatigue, depression, food sensitivities, menstrual irregularities, and inability to concentrate are some of the many health problems that can be associated with growth. excessive candida albicans. also known as yeast infection. Add a weakened immune system to the mix, and you have a higher tendency to allergies and a lower resistance to infection.

So why is candida so widespread? Basically, it has a lot to do with our diet and lifestyle habits, as well as other contributing factors such as overuse of antibiotics. But before tackling yeast infection head-on, it’s important to understand what it is and how it occurs in the body.

Candida albicans, a common yeast that actually lives in our intestines, mouth, and genitals, is a single-cell microbe that is kept in check by beneficial bacteria in a healthy body. In fact, when we are healthy these ‘bad’ microbes are outnumbered by the ‘good’ bacteria and it is only when we deviate from a healthy diet and lifestyle that these ‘bad’ microbes get out of control and spread. As yeast spreads, it changes into a fungal form and develops roots called mycelia that damage body tissues and enter the bloodstream.

Since the survival and growth of Candida in this fungal state is highly dependent on what we eat, we must change our diet and deprive Candida of one of its favorite foods: sugar! Considering that the average person consumes nearly their body weight in sugar each year, it’s not surprising that so many people suffer in one way or another. However, sugar is not the only cause of yeast overgrowth. Foods that contain yeast, refined grains, preservatives, and anything fermented are just some of the foods to avoid when following a candida diet. While a candida diet is one of the most important steps to take to combat yeast overgrowth, it is one of the few necessary measures that work together to permanently wipe out this health hazard.

Dealing with a candida overgrowth requires perseverance and determination. It’s not easy, especially at first. But the initial challenges of following a change in diet and lifestyle habits are short-lived, and once you begin to feel relief from your symptoms and your body regains its energy and vitality, you realize it’s worth every effort.

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