Weight Training For Fat Loss: The Secret To Permanent Fat Loss Is Weight Training

When you’re young and handsome, then you can really eat whatever you want and not gain any fat. But as time goes by and we get older, we no longer have the ability to do it. Most people know that metabolism has something to do with it. But this process can be reversed and it is not that difficult at all. The secret is weight training.

weight training to lose fat

The reason your body starts to slowly accumulate fat is because you simply don’t get enough exercise. And if people don’t exercise, we start to lose muscle tissue and have less energy. If we have less energy than we get even less active and that makes us gain even more weight. The more fat we gain, the harder it becomes to start losing fat. The sooner you start fat loss, the better.

All the best 100 meter sprinters have no fat and a lot of muscle mass. This is because sprinters spend a lot of time in the gym lifting weights to build muscle. They don’t spend hours and hours in long and boring aerobics. Muscle is the ultimate fat burner.

A bodybuilder can eat something like 5000 calories and still have a body fat percentage in the single digits, but if a person who has very little muscle mass and a lot of fat, they would gain fat very quickly. Some bodybuilders don’t even have to do aerobics when preparing for a competition, they just make a few changes to their diet. The goal is to feed the muscle, not starve it.

When you’re starting out with weight training, always get help from a physical trainer. You also have to know exactly what kind of exercises you should do, what are the proper techniques, what foods to eat, etc. But without weight training, you will never achieve permanent fat loss.

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