What I have learned from Anthony Robbins

Noted author Anthony Robbins has been writing and speaking about creating meaningful change in our lives for many years. He is an authority on human behavior and what it takes to make changes that will allow us to be successful.

I had the opportunity to attend his 4 day workshop, “Unleash the Power Within”, which took place in Singapore in 2004. It was an amazing experience. I learned many important things that allowed me to significantly improve my life.

I discovered a lot about how to overcome my deepest fears by participating in one of his exercises: walking barefoot on red-hot coals. This showed me that I could get rid of fear. I was able to accomplish this by focusing my will and using the power of passion and desire.

During the course of the seminar I learned “Secrets of Success” from Robbins, and I can honestly say that it changed my life forever.

I’d like to share with you some of the things I learned from Tony Robbins that week.

1. Potential can be expanded, but also limited, by what you believe.

“The only thing stopping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.” -Anthony Robbins. This is a date I will never forget. You can go far beyond where you are today, but first you must have the belief that it can happen. If you want things to improve, it is completely within your power to improve them. But it is also possible to keep things as they are. Either way, it’s up to you.

2. Most forms of doubt are universal.

The thoughts that are most often responsible for self-doubt are thoughts that cross boundaries of age, gender, religion, and culture. We have more in common than we sometimes think. Negative thoughts like “I’m too weak to do that,” “I’m not confident enough,” and “People don’t like me” are universally felt. No matter who we are or where we come from, we are all human beings

3. Self-limiting beliefs can be eliminated.

Robbins teaches that immersion can be used to break negative patterns of thought and behavior. Immersion is about using the repetition of thoughts and actions to create new habitual ways of reacting to things. We have to work to replace our old beliefs with new ones. The change will not happen instantly. It took time to acquire your old habits and it will take time to establish new ones.

4. Be willing to take massive action to achieve your goals.

As Robbins says, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” You must focus on your goal and then act to make it a reality. Getting a clear picture of the future you want is the first step, but remember “Action is Power!” Direct all your efforts towards achieving success. Spending time rationalizing and making excuses for inaction is a waste of energy.

5. Focus on a goal that brings you satisfaction.

Can a person be successful if they are not happy? No, that’s a contradiction. If reaching your goal won’t bring you personal fulfillment, then it shouldn’t be your goal to begin with. You must follow your passion in life.

There were other things I learned from Tony Robbins that week, but these represent the key ideas. I hope this can help you like he helped me. A healthier, richer and more joyful life awaits you. It is in your power to change.

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