What skin care cream should I use?

Which skin care cream to use for the prettiest body and facial skin is a really tough question. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of different products to choose from, and many of them contain ingredients that are not suitable for facial skin.

If you look at the ingredient list of most skin care creams, you’ll see a lot of weird stuff, like different chemicals, alcohol, and petroleum derivatives.

Many of the chemicals you find on that list have been shown to be carcinogenic or cause allergic reactions. The worst chemicals for your skin are things like parabens, dioxane, fragrances, and acrylamide. Petroleum byproducts are added to keep moisture in the skin, but when applied to the skin, they also clog the pores and cause irritation. Alcohol is very drying to the skin and can cause premature aging and age spots.

So now you know what to avoid. But what ingredients should you look for?

Look for all-natural ingredients that have been shown to benefit the skin in clinical trials with human volunteers. What you want to find are things like vitamins, antioxidants, cold-pressed vegetable oils, active manuka honey, and repairing proteins.

The best skin care creams contain ingredients that help prevent signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots, dryness, sagging, and thin skin. Recently, three ingredients have been shown to be very effective in rejuvenating the skin: Cynergy TK, Wakame extract and Coenzyme Q10.

Cynergy TK is a repair protein that has been shown to stimulate and enhance the growth of collagen and elastin in the skin. When the growth of those proteins increases, the skin becomes smoother and firmer.

Wakame extract is a Japanese seaweed rich in minerals and antioxidants. When used in natural skin creams, it has been shown to make skin firmer and more hydrated.

Coenzyme Q10 is incredibly rich in antioxidants, and when used in the right formula, it penetrates deep into the skin, neutralizing free radicals. This has been shown to have a dramatic anti-wrinkle effect.

Another thing you really need to think about when looking for a good skin cream is the amount of active ingredients. Many skin care products only contain the minimum amount of active ingredients, rendering them virtually useless. Make sure the company you buy your skin care products from is putting at least 50% active ingredients in their creams.

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