Teenage pregnancy: the truth that is not on television

As of 2010, teen pregnancies are doubling every year. With teens continually bombarded with sex-focused music, TV shows, and movies along with the romanticized reality of real-life teen pregnancy shows; no wonder why this epidemic is occurring. Behind the curtains of these scripted lives is the unknown truth about teen pregnancy.

Having a child while still in high school presents many obstacles for parents. First, 70% of teen parents don’t stay together, leading the child to a broken home. Then there’s the fact that more than half of new teen moms aren’t even old enough to apply for Medicaid or work full time. Teen mothers are often forced to drop out of school, with 87% never finishing high school or entering college. It can become impossible to find a decent job without an education, and the cost of caring for a child over the age of 18 is more than most teens realize before choosing to have a baby.

Most teen pregnancies are unplanned, but why there is such a staggering pregnancy rate is baffling to everyone. Middle schools today teach sex education starting in the fifth grade. Condoms are provided free of charge through local health clinics and pregnancy planning clinics. These facilities will also offer free or low-cost birth control to teens ages 14 and older. With so many free options, why do teens continue to have unplanned pregnancies at an astonishing rate? The truth is that there is a lack of education on the home front. Parents trust schools to teach their children, and the result is that many don’t listen. It is up to parents to talk to their children about sex and their birth control options.

If you find yourself with an unplanned pregnancy, there are many options to consider. Some families will happily support their children if a pregnancy occurs, however it is still the adolescent’s responsibility to support their child. Failure to do so could result in loss of state custody. The guidelines are different from state to state, but the end result is always the same. Adoption is a second option for prospective parents. There is a long process that includes a psychological evaluation before a young couple can offer their child up for adoption. There are two forms of adoption, open and closed. Open adoption allows birth parents to receive photos and letters from adoptive parents, while closed adoption eliminates all contact. Finally, adolescents can opt for abortion until the second trimester. This process is painful and expensive, but it may be the best option in some circumstances. A clinic nurse can discuss the various options with teen parents and it is recommended that they speak with a counselor before making final decisions about their future babies.

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