Five ways to make the juiciest burgers

Here are five tips to help you grill delicious burgers:

First, when grilling burgers, be sure to sear both sides of the burgers on high heat. Then move the burgers to the upper rack or to an area of ​​the grill that does not have any flames or embers below (the coolest area) to complete cooking to the level you desire. Browning the meat helps keep the juices in.

You can also add finely chopped or grated onion to meat before grilling. The onions will release their juices as you roast them and add flavor at the same time. You can also try other types of chopped or grated vegetables or even fruits to add moisture with a very different flavor. Consider applesauce or crushed pineapple.

Be sure to use an instant-read digital meat thermometer to cook the burgers to your desired temperature (around 140 degrees), but no higher. This will prevent the burger from losing extra moisture from cooking too long.

Don’t push the burger down with the spatula while it’s grilling. This just pushes out all the juices. Instead, poke a hole in the middle of the burger. This makes the burgers thicker on the outside than the inside, and you won’t be tempted to shred them while grilling.

Finally, you can mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 2 tablespoons of water for every pound of meat. Add pepper, according to your taste. Mix the seasoned water with the meat. Seasoned sausage is made in a similar way. The liquid helps distribute the seasonings while giving the meat more moisture. Next, crush two ice cubes and gently work the crushed ice cubes into the meat. Make 1/4 lb. burgers and grill.

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