Green tea, weight loss and your heart

When you increase the oxidation or burning of fat, you can lose weight faster. Green tea extract that is high in catechins has been shown to reduce body fat. A secondary benefit of this is also a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

To test these findings, a research laboratory in Japan recruited men and women to test the effects of green tea extract for reducing body fat. After dieting for 2 weeks, the subjects were told to maintain their usual diet and physical activity. This lasted for a period of 12 weeks.

During the 12 weeks, one group was given green tea with 600 mg of catechins and the other 100 mg. Catechins are a type of antioxidant. After the 12-week period, the researchers reported that the high-catechin group had a significant decrease in body weight, body mass index, body fat ratio, and waist and hip circumference. They speculated that the possible mechanism by which catechins reduce fat might be related to increased energy expenditure.

Regardless of how it worked, however, their findings confirmed the results of other studies. What’s more, they found that there was a reduction in cholesterol. High cholesterol has been associated with heart disease and hypertension. By ingesting catechins in large amounts, you not only burn fat, but you also reap the benefits of better heart health.

The catechins in this study come from green tea, but can also be found in black tea, Oolong tea, as well as fruits, vegetables, wine, and everyone’s favorite, chocolate. The reason green tea is so popular is that very high concentrations of catechins are found compared to other sources.

For the quickest means of adding catechins to your diet, visit your local health food store for green tea extract. It won’t be long before you start reaping the benefits of fat loss and better heart health.

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