Is there a limit to the interior space?

It is easier for me to imagine an infinite universe than to imagine an infinite inner universe. Still, that doesn’t mean there’s a limit to interior space. It just seems like a harder concept to imagine. There is also no guarantee that the universe is infinite as well. There could very well be a limit to the universe. If that’s the case, one has to wonder what lies beyond that limit. Perhaps the biggest and only true problem in science is the inability of the human mind to truly understand the universe in which we live. me, and certainly all of us; although he keeps trying. So, there is a limit to the inner universe. I hate to touch on this question, because that requires delving into the world of quantum mechanics. One has to do it, it is a limit that must be passed to the infinitely small.

We all know that matter is made up of normal matter is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. The only exception is hydrogen, there is no neutron present in its nucleus. These particles form atoms, which combine to form compounds. Beyond this level is the field of quantum physics, the study of the very small. Quarks, leptons, and bosons are the subatomic components of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Beyond this, who knows. Perhaps subatomic particles are made up of smaller particles or subatomic particles. Is there an endless spiral towards infinite smallness? Probably not, at some point it is reasonable to assume that we arrive at pure energy. Perhaps energy can be coiled up to form a subatomic particle and those subatomic particles form particles, atoms, etc. Perhaps the way energy forms a subatomic particle determines that particle’s behavior. Thus, there are six flavors of quarks, six types of leptons, and twelve types of measure bosons.

Is the energy frontier the limit? Once you have pure energy, it’s easy to imagine something getting smaller and smaller, because there’s no solid component to the object. There is no object, only energy. In my mind’s eye I can imagine a journey to infinite smallness. At the same time, this notion seems to be outside the realm of possibility. However, the same can be done with traveling to outer space. It seems so much easier to imagine getting bigger and bigger instead of smaller and smaller. And yet, the same process is used. I can imagine space as infinite in any direction. Is this the case? You don’t need matter or energy for this experiment. In fact, let’s eliminate both and consider an empty void. Imagine that the universe contains no energy or matter. it’s possible? It seems that matter could be inherently tied to the concept of space. If nothing existed then there would be no limit to smallness because nothing would exist. After all, you can’t have size when there is no object to consider. Size seems to be at the core of the notion of infinite space. When I try to conceive of an object getting smaller and smaller or larger and larger, I seem to reach a limit. Even when you consider that an atom is mostly empty space. If you removed that empty space to the limit possible, then an object can’t get smaller without getting rid of parts of itself. Is this what happens with a black hole? Is there a limit to the amount of mass that can occupy a given amount of space? I assume that when an object implodes to form a black hole, the matter rearranges itself to allow as little free space as possible between the atoms; as well as within atoms themselves. In this case, there is a limitation to the amount of matter that can exist in a given amount of space.

What if we consider that all matter in the universe is converted into free energy? Then there would be no limitation, right? So could we compress all the matter in the universe into a tiny space? The big bang theory and the singularity come to mind. The problem here is that the space inside is infinite and, in theory, all energy could implode on itself indefinitely. So there must be a limit here as to how much energy can occupy a given space. Either that or there is a limit to the interior space. There is a limit to smallness. One has to assume that this limit exists if one believes in the Big Bang, because there would be no reason for the singularity to expand or explode. This creates a weird notion for me that something without mass can still have a limit to how much a given amount of space can take up.

Taking into account the infinite amplitude, using all the matter in the universe. If you could put all the matter in the universe together without it imploding under the weight of its own gravity, then what? There is a finite amount of matter in the universe, so once we have our big ball of matter, what lies beyond it? Once again, the answer is an empty space. An emptiness that goes on forever, and forever. The only real way to consider the question of infinite inner space is when you don’t consider matter or energy. Take them out of the equation and just consider the void. So it becomes easier to imagine infinity going both ways. However, this imaginary universe does not exist, the only one that exists (as far as we know) is this one. One in which matter and energy are everywhere. And in this universe there seems to be a limit to the infinitely small, but not to the infinitely large. On the other hand, this could be a product of our daily lives. Matter is all around us, and we live in a big ball of it. In the end it may be that we live in a zone of matter. At this stage, in which we live there are quantifiable sizes to things. Once you go beyond matter and reach the farthest reaches of our universe, there may be a vast, empty, infinite afterlife. The same can happen with the inner verse. Once you get past the boundary of matter and energy, there can be another void. One that expands forever into the infinitely small.

At the end of the day, this is nothing more than a fun exercise for me. I like to reflect on these questions, but I have certain conclusions that I believe in more than others. Anyone who has read my article on the Universe of Nothing knows what I think we will find if we go far enough into space. That hypothesis has the infinite afterlife as composed of an undiscovered supersymmetric atom composed of matter and antimatter. The combination of which forms the true essence of nothing. That hypothesis does not exclude the existence of an infinite inner universe. All be one that did not exist before the creation of the universe as we know it. And yet, it is easy for me to imagine the space between the particles within the universe of nothing. So it may be that the structure of the universe of nothing suffers from a limitation of scale. Once that limitation is broken, an infinite inner universe free of matter can still exist within the Universe of Nothing. If you are confused, I suggest you read my article on a universe of nothing. Delving into it now would take too long. For now, I must conclude that there is a strong possibility that there is no limit to the interior space and that it is infinite after all. As much as I find that notion illogical, I cannot dismiss it.

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