Isometric exercises done with a stick

Have you tried using a stick or broomstick to do your isometric exercises? Using a tool like this can add another dimension to your routine. You can use a stick simply by holding it in your hands and pushing and pulling it in front of you, behind you, and over your head. You must hold each move for at least 7 seconds.

Vary the distance between your hands from together to apart to hit the muscles at different angles because you want to exercise the muscles in more than one position. Try placing one end of the stick on the ground in front of you and push down with both hands or use each hand separately, this will target your back and abs. Push down with one arm and feel your lateral muscle with the other hand, you will feel it tighten.

There are many ways to do isometric exercises like this. Hold the stick above your head with both hands supporting it. Clasp your hands together as you squeeze the stick, and then try to pull the stick out. Pushing will target your shoulders and pulling will target your lats. Try using the club from any position you can think of and vary how close or far your hands are and you’ll get a good workout.

Isometric exercises are great because you can do them anywhere with little to no equipment. You can do them on their own or use them in conjunction with free weights or bodyweight exercises.

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