Keep the faith with your email marketing

The life of a soccer fan is never easy. One minute you’re jumping, celebrating a goal; then you have your head in your hands on a guardian’s howler. And for all the excitement, hope and joy that football brings, there is also frustration, disappointment and pain.

As a seller, faith in the end game is just as important. In many campaigns, there comes a point where the results you’re looking for may take a while to arrive, and questions may arise as to whether they will ever arrive. This is where a patient and confident approach will pay off.

We are in the week before the World Cup final. Of course England were out a while ago (suffice to say!) but for the 2 countries still involved, this is the winner-take-all end of the competition. A team may be just one win away from World Cup victory, but expectation and hope can still be undermined by a lack of faith at the last hurdle.

And it is at this time that the followers must stay strong. They need to believe that their team can do it. They need to keep the faith. And of course, when it comes to email marketing, there are very good reasons for marketers to stay true to the cause.

Believe in return on investment

According to the Direct Marketing Agency (DMA), in 2009, the return on investment (ROI) was a maximum of £50 for every £1 spent on email marketing.

This was supported by E-consultancy’s 2010 Email Census, which asked 900 digital marketers and found that the vast majority (75%) rated email as “excellent” or “good” for providing ROI. , higher than any other form of digital marketing aside. of search engine optimization.

In such uncertain economic conditions, ROI is undoubtedly the deciding factor. Marketing channels that deliver results will always see their share of the budget increase and email has found this to be true in recent years. Email spending increased by about 15% in 2009 to £292m, according to E-consultancy.

The 2010 census also revealed that email now accounts for 17% of digital budgets, up from 14% in 2009. While more than half of respondents (51%) revealed they were spending more than £10,000 on email and 11% budgeting over £100,000 in channel.

acknowledging success

However, not all businesses understand the benefits they get from email marketing. The latest census revealed that 39% of 900 marketers couldn’t rate the ROI that email delivers, a less-than-encouraging drop from 42% in 2009.

Of those who were able to identify their email return, there was a 5% increase in the number of people who say they get an ROI of more than 500%.

But questions remain about how to judge the success of an email campaign. With £14 billion of global sales attributed to email campaigns, there is more than enough evidence of the channel’s ability to positively impact bottom line. But then, more than half of marketers (52%) say that brand loyalty is their number one goal for their email campaign.

Brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, brand awareness, referrals, and sales can all be achieved through email marketing, but it’s important for marketers to understand their goals and priorities early on in the marketing. Campaign.

Email is more about relationship building

Whatever your goals; The success of your email campaign will be determined by the quality of customer relationships your brand builds for you, just as football teams depend on successful partnerships between players.

However, attracting and engaging customers, building their trust, and establishing strong relationships takes time. That’s why email marketing, perhaps more than any other form of digital marketing, requires a medium to long-term approach. The results digital marketers require don’t happen overnight, which means they need to have faith in what’s being achieved over the long term.

Stay in control and be quick to adapt By taking a medium to long-term approach, it’s not just about sitting back and waiting for the results to trickle down. The beauty of email is its immediacy, giving marketers the power to be in full control of an ongoing campaign. Like a soccer manager during a game, who must adapt to what he sees on the field by altering his tactics, equipment, or system, email marketers have access to up-to-the-minute information such as delivery, open rates, and click-throughs. , all of which can be quickly interpreted, so a campaign can be tweaked to maximize its potential for success.

It’s really not just about keeping faith with your campaign; it’s about putting faith in the relationships you’re building. And if your tactics are right, the results you’re looking for will come soon.

For more information, please email us at [email protected] or call +44 (0)161 817 2929.

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