Lose Belly Fat – Upgrade Your Walking Plan and Lose More Inches

Do you want to speed up your weight loss results? Yes? Excellent. To flatten your belly and really stretch your waist, then you’ll want to implement this 3-move workout. You won’t need any equipment, no floor work and the best part is you can do this in 10 minutes.

These are the movements, implement them at any time during your walks:

-Bank planks. Place your hand on a bench, railing, or low wall, shoulder-width apart. Walk your feet back and balance on your toes. Your body should form a straight line from your heels to your head. Bring your right knee in for at least 5 seconds and up to 12 seconds. Kick it back and switch legs. Now repeat the same movement, this time pulling your right knee towards your left elbow across your body. Keep your belly tight. Alternate a dozen times on each leg. This move helps firm your shoulders, abs, inner and outer thighs, and glutes.

-T-Kicks. While standing with your arms extended to your sides at shoulder height (like the letter “T”), place your feet together and squeeze your belly. Lift your right leg forward (knee straight) and form a slight rounding of your back. In a sweeping motion with your arms, bring them in front of your chest at shoulder level. Return to the starting point and repeat with the other leg. Do 15 to 20 repetitions per side.

– Bank inputs-outputs. While sitting on a small wall or bench, position your butt close to the edge. Put your hands by your side to help with balance and lean back about 30 degrees. Tuck in your navel as you lift both legs up and pull them toward your chest. Slowly extend both legs until they are straight but in a swooping motion as if you were forming a letter “C” with your body. Make sure to keep your belly engaged at all times. Do 20-25 repetitions.

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