Metallic Smell Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, often smells like rotten eggs. Sometimes other unpleasant odors or odors can also be noticed. The cause could be attributed to sulfur compounds that bacteria living inside the mouth release as waste products. However, there are cases where bad breath with a metallic odor occurs. This unusual symptom could indicate that the individual is suffering from a condition other than simple bad breath.

How to identify the problem

Bad breath with a metallic odor is a rare symptom. Only a very few people have breath that smells metallic, and it’s usually due to an underlying condition that may have caused unusual symptoms like metallic-smelling bad breath.

It should also be noted that people who claim to have metallic-smelling bad breath may only describe the condition as such because their sense of smell is a bit off, due to a viral infection or some other cause. As such, metallic-smelling bad breath can be illusionary for these people. That is why it is important to have a doctor confirm the symptom first.

There are many things that can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. But having a metallic taste in your mouth does not mean that the smell coming out of your mouth is also metallic. Put another way, you shouldn’t make the mistake of assuming you have metallic-smelling bad breath if you experience a metallic taste in your mouth.

What causes the problem?

As mentioned above, metallic-smelling bad breath may be due to an underlying condition that the individual is not very aware of. For example, stomach problems such as heartburn, jaundice, metal poisoning, and other types of poisoning are known to cause a metallic taste and create metallic-smelling bad breath. Dental problems, many medications, and pregnancy are also factors that can make a person prone to this condition.

If you have any of these issues, you now have an idea where this metallic smelling breath is coming from. But again, consult your doctor before making any assumptions about your condition. Getting a second opinion wouldn’t hurt either.

treat the problem

Since metallic-smelling bad breath is just a symptom of an entirely different condition, resolving the condition is the best treatment option you have for metallic-smelling breath. But while you’re undergoing treatment for the underlying problem, you can temporarily resolve metallic-smelling bad breath by taking strong breath mints or other strong flavors that can overcome an unpleasant one. Lemon cloves and cinnamon are often very effective for temporary relief.

In addition, oral hygiene is essential, whether or not you have bad breath. There are more than 170 different types of bacteria that thrive in the mouth and feed on leftover food. As they digest these foods, they release odorous substances that cause bad breath. By keeping your mouth and teeth clean, you minimize the population of bacteria in your mouth and cure bad breath.

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