Piranha fiction and facts

Piranha or Serrasalmus nattereri were originally assigned to the Characidae family, which includes tetra varieties. They were later reclassified to a subfamily of Characidae, the subfamily Serrasalmidae. Serrasalminae means “family of toothed salmon”. This does not refer to the piranha’s teeth, but to the serrated keel that runs through the fish’s belly.

Piranhas are native to the rivers of South America and can be found in the river systems of the Amazon, Orinoco, Guyana, and Sao Francisco.

It is illegal to own piranhas in most states in the United States for fear that they will go out into the wild and wreak havoc on the ecosystem, not to mention swimmers. This concern is not entirely unjustified. In the past, irresponsible hobbyists released piranhas in the wild because they had little tanks left. When I was young, you could buy baby alligators at the local dime store. Hmmm … what do you do with them when they grow old enough to eat the neighbor’s dog? Vermont is one of the few states that allows the keeping of piranhas.

If you want to breed piranhas, check their legality with your state’s Department of Fish and Game. Piranhas are sometimes smuggled into the US with forged invoices identifying them as baby pacus to which they bear a striking resemblance. Be careful: if you are caught in possession of an illegal piranha, you could face a hefty fine or even jail time.

The word piranha conjures up images of a bloodthirsty herd of savage killers who will strip a fully grown cow down to its skeletal remains in a matter of minutes. In reality, piranhas are shy and skittish fish. Rather, they are easily scared. Their wild ferocity while feeding is greatly exaggerated. Studies have shown, in fact, that they are a benefit for the ecosystems in which they inhabit, occupying a necessary place in the food chain.

In their natural habitat, piranhas are just as likely to feed on insects and worms as they are on other fish or animals that cross their path.

Contrary to popular belief, not all piranhas travel in herds. Black piranhas are solitary fish. The red-bellied piranha, on the other hand, hunts in herds. Usually they stop until a single member of the group initiates the attack. This launcher is commonly known as a browser. Ultimately, the piranha is just following its instinctive behavior patterns as the top predator in its ecological food chain.

It is this instinctive behavior that makes them prime candidates for a monospecific aquarium. They are predators and will eat as nature intended. They have the very sharp serrated teeth and the strong jaws of a hunting machine.

As native fish to South America, piranhas prefer slightly acidic water around 6.8 pH with ideal temperatures of 75-80 ° F.

Piranhas are big fish. Depending on the individual species, they can grow up to 18 inches. They will live between 8 and 10 years. Although cases have been reported in which they live longer.

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