Hollywood celebrities and dark side numerology

[This article is neither intended to extol nor defame any individual. It is offered simply as a means of relating the numbers in one’s Kings Numerology chart with the events and circumstances of their lives and destinies to further the understanding of numerology as a science.]

Hollywood. The very name conjures up visions of movie stars and stars, talent galore, red carpet extravagances like the Oscars and Golden Globes, lavish lifestyles, rich cars, fancy clothes, and beautiful people. Indeed, it is a fairy tale land of wishful dreams come true. Unfortunately, it’s also a swamp-infested underworld of nightmares – horror-filled, tortuous, tear-laden, tragic and painful, often fatal, real-life excursions to the dark side.

Why is there such an abundance of shipwrecks, trains and human wrecks in Tinsel Town? Perhaps because it is just a city of tinsel, an illusory facade awash with alluring mermaids that tirelessly magnetize and attract an endless stream of dreamers and schemers to taste the fruit of illusion. As the famous Dr. Samuel Johnson poetically reflected in his “Vanity of Human Desires”,

Countless supplicants crowd the door of Preference,

Eager for riches and ardent to be great;

Deceptive fortune hears the incessant call,

They ride, shine, evaporate and fall.

In each scene the enemies of peace attend,

Dogs hate their flight, and insult mocks their end.

All this philosophizing aside, is there any science behind the whirlwind of debris-strewn celebrity craze? Yes there are. The King’s Numerology offers provocative answers to life’s problems through the most universal communication system of all, numbers.

In numerology, numbers have attributes and characteristics. Numbers, like coins, have two sides: one positive and one negative; one radiates light, the other darkness. One of the most powerful numbers in numerology is the master number 33 (thirty-three). It is arguably the primal energy that leads souls … not just Hollywood souls … into the haunted cavern of dark dreams, dark thoughts, and dark actions until the eyes are dark.

The master number 33, like all master numbers, is not an ordinary number. Master numbers exude extreme amounts of power. Like nuclear power, they can be wonderfully productive and tragically destructive. It all depends on how they are used.

The dark side of the master number 33 represents sensual pleasure, rampant uncontrolled partying, sex, drugs, lust, and addiction. On the light side, it governs extreme self-expression, love, communication, art, language, joy, health, healthy pleasure, and lyrical harmony. 33 is possibly one of the most artistic, self-expressive, and communicative numbers of all two-digit combinations. When used positively, the sky is the limit. When used negatively, the abyss is bottomless.

The world is all too familiar with the stars, stars, celebrities, and world icons who have fallen victim to the Siren Song of the 33’s whirlwind of delight. All of the names on the following list have the dominant master number 33 on their chart. Numerology of the King:

Amy Winehouse

Anna nicole smith

Britney Spears

Charlie sheen

Elvis presley

Lindsey lohan

Marilyn monroe

Michael jackson

Paris hilton

Phil Spector

Tiger forest

Whitney houston

The lives of these famous people are common household names. Who among them has not had a tragic life to some extent? It is true that some have had and do live lives more laden with pain than others, but all have been in the global spotlight of problems and tragedies at some point. What is the common denominator between them? You guessed it, the master number 33. The difference in the degree of difficulty lies in the amount of energy 33 on a graph, as well as the presence of other numbers in each graph that play a companion role, especially the numbers 5 and 7. Charlie Sheen and Michael Jackson’s King Numerology charts have a lot of power. They, like each other on the list, are remarkably talented and, like the others, allowed their master energy to go with them, like a rider on a runaway, runaway, and biteless horse.

Other historical figures that have had the 33 in their numerological tables are:

Babe Ruth

George Armstrong Custer

General George Patton

Helen Keller

Howard Hughes

Jackie Robinson

Martin Luther King Jr.

Mother Teresa

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Winston churchill

Wyatt earp

In this group we can certainly see the positive expression of the master number 33 reflected in global icons such as Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King, and Jackie Robinson.


The number 33 is a powerful master number in numerology. Its attributes (keywords) are those of self-expression, communication, art, health, beauty, language, words, media, children, health, well-being, harmony, pleasure, joy, friends, good times, sex, addiction. When positively controlled and used, master energy is a powerful vehicle for artistic, communicative, healthy, and joyous life. However, if left unchecked and the person in whom its energies burn red hot, it can lead one down a dark, destructive and tragic path, often ending in death.

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