How cryopreservation helps in assisted human reproduction in the fertility center

Most clinics provide an extension to the IVF procedure, which is the cryopreservation process where sperm and eggs are stored for future use. Many women arrive with menopausal problems, ovarian failure and even cancer, so they need time to conceive. Meanwhile, the eggs are kept until the couple decides to become pregnant. Vitrification technology helps quickly freeze the eggs for use over several years.

Cryopreservation and its Applications

Under this process, the women’s eggs are retrieved and fertilized, leading to the availability of viable embryos, which are then implanted in a woman’s uterus. After the implantation process, there are still some high-quality embryos left in the Fertility Center. Freezing these embryos is known as Cryopreservation. The same can be done with the oocytes used in the fertilization process. This method is applicable in several ways:

  • This method preserves the eggs for future use. Embryos or oocytes can be frozen at any stage, such as the pronuclear stage, early dividing stage, or the blastocyst stage.

  • Freezing sperm through the cryopreservation process aids in human reproduction, as these sperm are stored for later use. Most couples may decide to design at a later stage, so this process is helpful to them.

  • In addition, in the Cryopreservation technique, the protective substances used prevent the formation of intracellular ice. The fluid it contains helps keep the embryo intact and increases the chances of successful implantation by 90%.

  • Embryo or oocyte freezing by the Fertility Center provides a ray of hope to couples who wish to conceive the child at a later stage after all medical issues have been resolved. Egg freezing helps to get pregnant with minimal effort and stops the discarding of embryos or oocytes.

Advantages of Cryopreservation

Today’s couples are choosing the latter process due to its multiple advantages. Even oocyte vitrification is a pioneering technology for cryopreservation that helps to rapidly freeze the eggs, thus facilitating the fertilization process. These are some of the basic advantages of this treatment:

  • Women who want to get pregnant can conceive with this process without going through the full IVF cycle at the Fertility Center.

  • The spare embryos and oocytes stored in the clinics can also be used for donation to other couples.

  • This process is useful if the woman is at risk of multiple gestation or is dealing with bleeding during implantation of the eggs.

  • If a woman’s cervix is ​​narrow and embryo transfer becomes difficult, then cryopreservation is strongly recommended.

Finally, modern methods have changed the way it is easy to conceive a child, and couples can choose to become pregnant when they are ready to accept parenthood.

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