It’s the PSFs, not the ABCs, that lead to high-frequency sex

A woman who is sexually attracted to a man has a PSF game. A woman who is rejected by a man has a very different FSP.

What are PSFs? PSF is an acronym for Sights, Sounds, and Feelings.

Now let’s start with the photos…

If you are a man, you know that a sexually attractive woman is one who is visually pleasing to your eyes. Let’s check the validity of this statement…

Imagine for a moment that an emaciated, toothless, unkempt, smelly old lady walks up to you and starts saying things that are clearly meant to stroke your ego. Then after just a few minutes she starts saying sexy things to you.

Would you feel sexual attraction towards her?

If you’re like the average guy, the emphatic answer is “definitely not!” There is no sexual attraction because visually, the woman is “unattractive”.

But, just because it’s that way for a man doesn’t mean it’s that way for a woman.

You see, for a woman, an attractive man is one who pleases her mind, one who stimulates her mind in a certain way.

Now, I’m not suggesting that women are looking for toothless, smelly old men, but I am stating that, compared to men, a woman’s attraction to a man has less to do with his appearance or his body and more to do with him. “pleasure” that the man invokes in his mind.

Let’s use an analogy that makes sense to a man. Imagine that you are looking to buy a “widget”. Unless you have information that allows you to differentiate the various widgets on the market, your only differentiator is price, so you start buying based on price.

Well, in the same way, if a man does not provide – read SUPPLY – a woman with pleasant and exciting mental images, then that woman can only “buy” that man based on external factors – what she sees in him and what she listen to him, and then you will create your own image of that man.

For example, on a scale from least desirable to most desirable, she might imagine it as:

1. Boring

2. Needy sexually

3. To “Sugar Daddy”

4. Attractive and sexy

5.Fun and exciting

6. Powerful and influential

As you can easily guess, a woman feels zero attraction to a boring or sexually needy man. In fact, not only does she feel zero attraction to him, but she actually feels repulsed by such a man.

Because? It’s because a bored or sexually needy man is a “drain” to a woman, and a man who is a drain does NOT create exciting sights, sounds, or feelings in a woman’s mind.

Let me emphasize this especially to married men. Please understand that if his wife sees him as boring and sexually needy, he has a double kiss of death on her marriage. You can bet your bottom dollar that your wife is on her way to divorce court or is on her way to an affair with another man, a man who is not boring and sexually exhausting.

Sadly, many men are “shocked” that the man their wife has been having an affair with is a complete jerk, a bum, a loser, etc. and they can’t understand why of all men, his wife would go with this kind of man.

Well, now you know why: her lover may have had a lot of negative traits, but he wasn’t a sexually needy BORING!

For the sake of clarity, what is a bore? The two most important characteristics of a drill are the following:

1. A man who thinks, talks, and cares only about his business or hobby, even when his stated goal is to make more money for his wife.

2. A man who ABANDONS his wife day after day while looking for FUTURE gains.

Do you understand?

Now, let’s move on to the sounds…

Too many men complain and whine to their women until they practically go crazy.

Too many men continue to focus on the negative aspects of life day after day, so that their words and even their voice translate into a nasal, abrasive, screeching sound that drives their woman crazy.

There was probably a time when you heard a woman imitating and mocking a man. What kind of voice did she use? That’s right, a whiny, nasal, irritating voice. She was articulating exactly what she was hearing in her head.

A woman who has these types of sounds in her head will not feel sexual attraction to the man who is creating these sounds for her.

It’s as simple as that.

But what if every time a woman hears her man’s voice, her mind flashes back to moments like when they were on a white sand beach where his confident, loving voice mingled sweetly with the crashing waves?

Can you feel how these types of sounds in his head can and do lead to sexual attraction?

Finally, let’s touch on the feelings…

Men know that women are especially in tune with their feelings, and yet many men will constantly speak, act, and behave in a way that causes a woman to be in tune with feelings of:

1. Nervousness


3. Insecurity

4. Inadequacy

5. Insufficiency

Think about it. How many people do you know, men or women, who want these kinds of feelings?

Hint: These are not the feelings that any woman wants to feel. Rest assured that if a man is generating these feelings within a woman, sooner or later she will seek to separate from the man who is invoking these feelings within her.

In conclusion, the man who can invoke the right kinds of sights, sounds, and feelings within a woman is sure to enjoy a long, happy, and exciting relationship with her.

While it’s true that there’s not much a man can do with his physical makeup, it’s also true that he can do a lot in terms of the sights, sounds, and feelings he invokes in his lady.

And that, my friend, is good news for men all over the world.

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