What business can you start with RM1500 or less in Malaysia?

In this article, I will share with you what kind of business you can start with RM1500 or less in Malaysia.

I will share my story of starting the business with a small initial investment of less than RM1500 in March 2018.

After 2 years, I bought a new house with the income from my home business.

What profitable business can you start with RM1500 or less in Malaysia?

the business is direct delivery but use the marketing online business model

To be honest, when I was first introduced to network marketing, I wasn’t very interested.

But I decided to try it anyway.

The reason I started a network marketing business is to create a source of income for myself so that I can help pay for our family’s expenses.

Previously, I was a Human Resources (HR) manager for an office supply manufacturing company in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

I quit my job in 2010 when I got married.

After that, I had my first child and 2 years later, my second child.

I was a full-time homemaker for 6 years before deciding to go back to work.

At the time, my husband was the sole breadwinner in the family and our family’s cash flow was very limited.

With only one source of income, we don’t have much money left over at the end of each month.

I tried to find a job, but after sending over 90 resumes and attending 6 job interviews, no company wanted to hire me even though I was highly qualified and experienced.

The reason why companies don’t want to hire me is because of my 6 year gap of not working when I was a full time stay at home mom.

It was a disappointing and depressing experience for me.

However, I had to find a solution to expand our family’s income.

That’s when I started looking for business opportunities where I can operate from our rented house.

My introduction to network marketing

In fact, I started a small home business in early 2017 selling pre-packaged baby formula.

Back then, I bought Taiwan’s prepackaged baby porridge in bulk and started promoting it on social media like Facebook and Carousell.

I also started a blog to market and promote pre-packaged baby food.

However, after a few months of selling the pre-packaged baby formulas, I realized my business from home.

I realized that my monthly income from my home business is very small and it is unlikely that I will be able to turn it into a big business.

The reason is that the target market for pre-packaged baby formula is very small.

Back then, only mothers with 2-3 year olds going on vacation bought from me.

Can you see how small the target market was?

That is why in a good month, like during school holidays, my home business selling pre-packaged baby food could only generate RM400 – RM500 in net profit.

I remember thinking, I can’t go on like this.

My home business net profit is too low.

I need to find another product to sell from my business to make it worthwhile.

Ideally, the product has to be of higher value so that you can earn higher profits.

The product also has to be able to serve a larger market.

People of all ages, men and women of all ethnicities in Malaysia should be able to use the product.

With the above 2 criteria in mind, I started looking for a new product for my home business.

Luckily, I found the product by reading in the comments section of a Facebook post.

The ideal product that I found on Facebook is a Far Infrared Ray (FIR) emitting health and wellness pants that is completely made and imported from Japan.

I later found out that the only importer of the FIR emitting pants was one of the major MLM companies in the country and is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

my initial investment

How much was my initial investment to start my new home based business?

In fact, I started my new business with an investment of less than RM1500.

The RM1500 was used to purchase 2 pairs of FIR emitting pants for myself and my mother.

The reason I bought the pants was because I was looking for a solution that would help me relieve back pain and leg cramps.

I also wanted my mom to try the pants because she has a problem with knee pain.

I wanted to experience wearing the pants personally.

After wearing the FIR pants for a few days, my back pain and leg cramps surprisingly disappeared.

I am now convinced that the pants work and have started promoting them as the main product of my new home business.

How did I generate leads for my new home based business?

Do you remember the blog I created for my prepackaged baby food business?

In fact, I repurposed it for my new home business and it became my primary means of generating leads for my network marketing business.

In the first month, the commission I got for promoting and selling FIR pants was over RM1500. More than my initial investment!

It’s definitely a much better option than selling pre-packaged baby formula.

I kept building the business and started sponsoring more members into my business.

Third month in business, my monthly commission has exceeded RM5000!

The truth is that I was very surprised by the results.

I was wondering why the FIR pants were selling so well.

After some research and deep thought, I realized that Far Infrared Ray (FIR) pants are a product of Blue Ocean.

The concept of a blue ocean product is from the book blue ocean strategy written by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne.

A blue ocean product contrasts with a red ocean product where the competition is very stiff and the profit margin is very low.

In a red ocean, everyone fights each other just to make a small profit.

The Blue Ocean Strategy book talks about creating a product or service in a totally new category where the competitor does not exist.

This makes the competition in the market irrelevant hence you have the potential to easily make sales and generate higher profit.

By chance, I came across a blue ocean product in Malaysia, which is Far Infrared Emitting Pants.

Thanks for reading this article. I hope it has been useful for you.

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